Friday, January 5, 2007

Bugs & Plants

Over the past few weeks I have come across some pretty cool insects as well as some interesting plants which are native to the area. I haven't researched any of the details but you can see for yourself they certainly are colorful bugs.

Geckos are amazing climbers. These reptiles have adapted to the vertical world by using van der Waals forces, a class of intermolecular forces which result from the polarization of molecules. The gecko's toes will adhere to a wide variety of surfaces via spatula tipped setae which utilize the attractive forces. Imagine a pair of climbing gloves and shoes covered in synthetic setae.

Creepers flowering on the trail.

Wild Aloe plants are everywhere and grow quite large. I look at these as instant sunburn relief stations.

This strange fungi 'bloomed' only one day before totally disappearing. It started as a small white ball and I noticed that each day I walked past it grew a little larger in diameter. One rainy day this bloom appeared and the next there was no trace of its existence.

In addition to all the outdoor flora, fauna and creepers I also noticed that we have a certain variety of indoor crawlers at the Chateau. Could it be my great cooking that enticed these little buggas?

Looks like this guy scored big on the left overs - munch munch munch...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mmm, lovely. Reminds me of my Brooklyn days.

:) Mary Lou