Friday, January 12, 2007

Dreamers 23/24 (5.11+)

Finished my project at the Rainy Day Crag and called it Dreamers. It goes about SA Grade 23/24 which translates to 5.11+

Below are pictures of Glenn doing a second ascent of the route. It's tricky to onsight since the route dances about before the crux a wee bit. It starts on nice big holds and runs up a corner and then out on a face. Heel hook and a nice reach to a big jug brings one into the crux corner. Get the left undercling and stem out to the left wall, get a thin finger lock and start working the stem higher and higher until able to move into the next good holds and into a clipping stance. Once thru that section its on to happy holds and some more steep terrain. The route runs about 20-22 meters and over hangs about 5-7 meters. It runs thru the most obvious line on the steeper Rainy Day Crag and stays dry in the wettest of down pours. I'm waiting for a few more ascents before finalizing the grade.


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